This page describes preventative maintenance steps that are critical to facility managers. Preventative maintenance is a series of routines, procedures and steps that are taken in order to identify and resolve potential problems before they happen.
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Outdoor Air Intakes
- Check for airflow obstructions
- Clean intake louvres
- Clean bird screen
- Confirm that any automated dampers are working
- Clean up any debris near intakes
- Check for any new or previously unknown pollution sources near the intakes
- Check for stagnant water near intakes
- Field verify outdoor air flow rates
- Check the condition of filters in the rack
- Confirm filters are facing the correct direction
- Check the written date on the filters to verify adherence to the replacement schedule
- Check for any air bypassing filters
- Check pressure drop across filter section and replace dirty filters
- Look for signs of any biological growth
- Replace damaged or wet filters